Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Athletics Day

Remember it is athletics this Friday.
  • You need to meet down at the Caledonian Sports Ground at Logan Park by 8:50. 
  • You need to find your own way there and home again.
  • You need to have a really good lunch because you will be busy all day and of course a drink.
  • You can dress in house colours.
  • Even if it is wet sports will be still on unless it is really bad.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Well done Room 10. 
You did an awesome job on your assembly with Room 13.

Survival Kit - Item Number 3

To remind you that everyone needs a treat every now and then.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Survival Kit - Item 2

To remind you to be flexible.

Things don't always go the way you want. Sometimes we just need to have a little give and take.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Room 10 Survival Kit - Item 1

To remind you to pick out the good in others

Post your positives about your class mates

It could be something you like about them or it could be a positive comment about something they have done.
 Remember your boomerangs: you give them and hopefully they will come back to you!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cross Country

Well done to all those students that ran the cross country.
 It was great seeing you cross the finish line looking relieved it was all over. 
How did you find it?
charlottemoulton's cross country album on Photobucket

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hope everyone had a good holiday. 
What did you get up to? 

Lots on this term.
Parent interviews are on this week.
First day back and you have ballet class! 
Tuesday is Cross Country day. 
Put all that hard training in to action and earn those points for you house. Remember every point counts. 
This term is all about CHANGE. 
We will be looking at what that means this week.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Marae Visit

agarthwaite's marae 2013 album on Photobucket

Science Fair

You should be on the home stretch with your science fair now.
Last things to think about

This is where you sum everything up. What was the outcome? Was your hypothesis correct? Why/why not?

  • Think about what we talked about in class. 
  • Come up with a catchy heading that gets people interested in your Science Fair. 
  • Make sure all your headings are easy to read. 
  • Cut out everything straight and glue on straight!!
  • Balance the information on your board and make sure it is in order.
  • Add appropriate pictures. 


Friday, May 31, 2013

Monsters have arrived at Hogwarts

I opened the door to my bedroom and saw a cute little creature bouncing on my bed. He’s going to be in trouble, you’re not allowed to jump on beds in my house. He stopped jumping and stood there starring at me with his one big eye, while his other two eyes looked around the room. Freaky! His green body with a white tummy and white horns, glowed in the dark like a night light in my dark room. I could see that he had orange busy hair on his big green head. I wonder how he keeps his balance with a head so large. He looks friendly with his toothy grin. He has his arms out; I think he wants a hug! He starts walking towards me with his hoof like feet. He reaches his arms up to me for a hug. I pick him up and he snuggles in. I think he’s going to make a great secret friend.

By Levi 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hogwarts Hokey Pokey

Did you have a go at making hokey pokey at home?

Comment on how you got on.
Could you improve anything?

Snow Day

Hey Room 10
We'd love to know how you're spending your day. Leave a comment or email us a picture to room10@balmacewen.school.nz and we ill upload it on to our snow day page.
Hope you're keeping warm!
Ruby ready to sled
Reuben's House

Sliding at the park
Finley having fun on his digger

Finley's cold face
Mrs C's Back Garden
"Mum I need my gloves!"
Sink hole at St Clair in the snow
A great shot from Lynda

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Science Fair Help Desk

If you have any questions about science fair here is the place to ask. 
Ask anything you like and I will get back to you ASAP

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Science Fair

Over the next week we are going to be talking lots about Science Fair.
Science Fair is your ASPIRE for this term and you need to get started on it NOW! 

 The first thing you need to do is decide on what you want to do. What will be your question you want to answer?

Where to start? Keep thinking all the time. While watching TV, doing the dishes, having a bath. Think to yourself.
"I wonder if..."
"I wonder what would happen if ..." 
"What if I made a .... to help me ..."

Look on the internet also at science fair ideas.

Welcome back Muggles

We have had a great first week in Room 10.

On Monday Mrs Cooper brought in a delivery for the students that had been sent from Hogwarts.

The Room 10 students had been selected to take part in a Muggle recruitment programme.

The had to receive their house from the sorting hat. Over the term they will be gaining points for their house buy completing their tasks in their spell books correctly and keeping their book work up to date.

On day one they had a Cupboard under the stairs task to complete. 
What did you think Muggles?

We are really looking forward to hearing what animal you have chosen for your pet, should you pass the course and get accepted to HOGWARTS that is. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Who did a load of washing this week? 
If you haven't there is still time.
Don't just put the wash on, hang it out also.

Remember to separate you whites and colours.


Monday, March 18, 2013


More photos to come