Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Science Fair Help Desk

If you have any questions about science fair here is the place to ask. 
Ask anything you like and I will get back to you ASAP


  1. Hoping to see lots of questions on this post.

  2. hi this is Laura.

    Question- which is the best compost for your garden? I might be doing it with a grass seed? I am not sure yet.

    1. You could go to a plant shop and ask them for a plant that you could grown indoors due to the weather. Your Intro or "why" could be that you want to find out what will help you to grow the best veges.

    2. hi this is laura thanks for the advice I am growing pea seeds some are rising! we went to the store and bought them.

  3. I hope I am able to do this question: Investigate the 'Death' of an Orange: How is Rate of Heat Loss Based on the Surrounding Temperature? and use an Orange for the experiment.

    1. Explain more. How will you use an orange to test this?

    2. Ok so I googled this. I suggest you look at the "make this your own section"
      You need to come up with an Introduction as to why you have chosen to do this.

    3. Well, Im into Forensic Science, Crime, Criminal Cases/Scenes, and would like to see "How is the rate of heat loss based on the surrounding temperature?" I also can question a coroner because my Mom is seeing one of Wednesday, and I could think up some daft questions, and ask my Mom to see what I can add/subtract and make my final questions so she can ask the coroner the questions. Also, the objective overall: Can we assign a specific time of death to a specific temperature? So measuring the rate of heat loss from an orange (representing a body) and see how it depends on the temparture of the the surroundings? Also, If I heat up the orange, it makes it as the same temparture as the body temparture, and I could leave it over night, and see the resulting heat/coldness, to see if it is cold or hot, and see how the environment around it affected it.

  4. hi Mrs Cooper is this a good thing for me for sience fair

  5. Am i able to send a video from my phone for my sience fair to you by e mail or will i have to bring it into school.

  6. Dear Mrs C and Mrs de G, would I be allowed to test whether cat owners change their behaviour (eg put a bell on cat's collar or curfew cat) towards their pets if given information about how many native birds and creatures cats kill each year. I'm interested in this because I'm cat crazy but I also love birds, and I want to see if the two can co-exist. I would do the research by conducting two surveys of people living in my area(one to establish baseline information, and one to test if they change their behaviour). Experts I could contact would be Forest and Bird magazine and some Otago uni scientists who are working on this sort of thing. If I am allowed to do this project, would I need human ethics approval because I will be surveying people? If so, how would I get it and how long would it take? I need to get started on this quite soon, and I do have another idea if there is not time for this. Also, would I be able to have a letter from school saying that I'm allowed to do this research? Rosa

    1. Hi Rosa
      I need to think on this one and talk to Mrs Dixon as she is the expert at school.
      Do some research on the internet to see if there is something similar.
      If you see Ms Dixon tomorrow you could talk to her.
      Will do some research also.

      Mrs C

  7. Dear Mrs C and Mrs de G, would I be allowed to test whether cat owners change their behaviour (eg put a bell on cat's collar or curfew cat) towards their pets if given information about how many native birds and creatures cats kill each year. I'm interested in this because I'm cat crazy but I also love birds, and I want to see if the two can co-exist. I would do the research by conducting two surveys of people living in my area(one to establish baseline information, and one to test if they change their behaviour). Experts I could contact would be Forest and Bird magazine and some Otago uni scientists who are working on this sort of thing. If I am allowed to do this project, would I need human ethics approval because I will be surveying people? If so, how would I get it and how long would it take? I need to get started on this quite soon, and I do have another idea if there is not time for this. Also, would I be able to have a letter from school saying that I'm allowed to do this research? Rosa

  8. Of I might do "Do different sized batteries produce the same amount of energy?" And try different brands, and recommend the brand that is most cost effective for all, and contains a majority of power

    1. The bigger the battery the more power. I think you could do something better Molli. Keep thinking and searching. ;)

      Mrs C

  9. Dear Mrs C and Mrs de G, would I be able to test whether cat owners change their behaviour (eg put a bell on their cat's collar or curfew their cat) when given information about how many native birds and creatures cat's kill each year? I'm interested in this because I'm cat crazy but I also love birds, and I want to see if the two can co-exist. I would do this research by surveying people who live in my local area. I would also consult experts at Forest and Bird magazine, and Otago Uni. Would I need to get human ethics approval? If so, how do I do this and how long would it take? I need to get started on my project pretty soon as I want to do at least two surveys (one for a baseline and one to measure change). I do have another idea if this one is going to take too long. Also, would I be able to have a letter from the school saying that I'm doing this research as part of a school project because that might make people happier to take part in my surveys. Rosa

  10. Dear Mrs Cooper and Mrs de Graaf-
    I was thinking about doing a "can you tell the difference between a cake that is missing an ingredient" for my science fair project. I am going to be looking up more ideas but so far this is my favorite because I love cooking and cooking experiments, if you can not tell the difference between a cake that is missing an ingredient and one that is full of all the ingredients,love to hear what you have to say

    1. Sounds good Jordan. Did you get the idea off the internet?

    2. no, I thought of it myself, thank you for your help

  11. i am wanting to do if the food colour chages wether people like it or not

  12. oh sorry i didn't put my name George i was the one who wanted to do wether the fod coluer changes wether people like i or not

    1. Need more detail George. What food would you be testing. How would you change colour. Tell me more about what you actually want to do. How will you do this?

  13. Dear Mrs C ad Mrs dG. Here is my Intro just thought you should check it to get the best I can.

    Lots of people double dip, are they actually spreading germs? Or are we just wasting perfectly good sauce? In my investigation I'm going to find out if any bacteria is actually put into the sauce. Or is it perfectly safe to double dip?

    Is that enough or do I need more

    1. Sounds good so far Reuben. Well done
      Mrs C

    2. Dear Mrs C. here is my hypothesis for you to check.

      I think in this investigation, that bacteria will be past onto the sauce, but will not enough to make you sick.

      I'm just wondering if it needs to be longer or shorter.

  14. Hi Mrs Cooper is this a good intro for my topic of
    Does music effect animal behaviour?

    Animal are amazing creatures with amazing brains and thoughts so I am wondering if the wonderful art of music effects their unique behaviour because it effects our behaviour with the rhythm and beat and also to see if we are anything alike.

    1. You need to narrow this down Meegan. What animal? What behaviour? How will you test this?
      Not too sure Meegan

      Mrs C

    2. The animal i will be testing is a dog
      The behaviour is to see if it goes crazy or if it just has the same behaviour
      I will test it on my Uncles dog with the happy birthday song that he and his dog sang to me on skipe a month ago

    3. Is this inro better?
      People say that music effects animal behaviour but i am going to investigate to see if that is true. i will be testing on my uncles dog with the song Happy Birthday and will prove it with a video of my uncles dog singing.

  15. the aim for my science fair is
    to find out if music effects animal behaviour and witch animals do or don't get effected by it

  16. George i want do foods most popular of people not liking like mushrooms and tomatoes with food coloring and and i am not going to change the flavor of food and i will do some popular foods to maybe and see if i can get people to like it ore or hate it more i will take some samplings to school

  17. Wow, lots of comments and questions on the science fair help desk! Looks to me like you are all working hard on your science fair projects room 10. Keep up the good work!

  18. hi can you please tell me what a hypothesis is? I have forgotten.
