Sunday, August 4, 2013

Room 10 Survival Kit - Item 1

To remind you to pick out the good in others

Post your positives about your class mates

It could be something you like about them or it could be a positive comment about something they have done.
 Remember your boomerangs: you give them and hopefully they will come back to you!


  1. Liam C - I like how when someone is upset you are so caring.

    Campbell - You are always so helpful.

    Liam D - I have a good sense of humour and on Friday your hair was looking smooth.

    TJ - I love that when you try really hard at something your face beams when you do something good or get something correct.

    Vincent - I love your smiling face. Also you are good at having little chats.

    Hoepo - You have a BIG smile and sparkly eyes. I like that you enjoy a good laugh.

    Joey - Your giggle is contagious! You are always nice and helpful to others.

    Ben M - I like that you contribute to class discussions. Thank you for always having my desk and computer ready.

    Reuben - You enjoy a good laugh and I like that you get on with everyone.

    Jacob - Thank you for being so helpful to others

    Levi - I love the way your face lights up when something funny happens.

    George - I like seeing your face light up when you achieve something you didn't think you could do.

    Arnie - You enjoy a good laugh. I like your competitive nature during games ... It's a good thing!

    Cody - I enjoy our little chats after school. You make me laugh and remind me of my boys.

    Jackson - You are one funny kid. You say some classic things that only Jackson can say.

  2. Moli - You have a great way with words and I always enjoy what you have to say on the blog.

    Anna - You are always so helpful and have great leadership skills.

    Holly - I like that you are positive to your friends. You are helpful and have great manners.

    From Mrs C
    Laura - You are always nice to others and are a caring person.

    Nicole - You enjoy a laugh and I enjoy our little chats

    Tashie - You always having some weird saying to tell me and I like our FUNNY conversations!

    Jordan - You always try your best and have good leadership skills developing.

    Rosa - You give everything a go.

    Stella - You like to have a good laugh.

    Mya - You try really hard at everything and when you achieve something I love the big proud smile that spreads across your face.

    Molly - You always have a smile on your face! I love the way you talk with your hands

    Meegan - You are caring towards others, helpful and I enjoy our little chats

    Anaia - You are always helpful and friendly and I like seeing your sense of humour you have with your friends.

  3. Hi Mrs C & Mrs DG
    Thanks (I think)
    Your great teachers!
